CS For All is coming to Wisconsin!!
Hosting the CSforALL National Conference in Wisconsin is a momentous opportunity for the CSTA Wisconsin Dairyland chapter to showcase the vibrant CS education community in our state and to collaborate with educators, leaders, and advocates from across the nation to advance equitable computer science education for all students. Computer scientists are designing the future that the rest of us live in, so it’s imperative that all citizens have the opportunity to join in the creation of that future. As a chapter we aim to amplify our commitment to advancing CS education and to inspire collective action towards a future where every learner has the opportunity to become a creator, problem-solver, and leader in our increasingly interconnected world.
See the CSforALL website for more details.  Hope you will join us October 23-25, 2024!
Welcome to the Wisconsin Dairyland CSTA chapter!
Our Wisconsin CSTA (Computer Science Teachers Association) has been developing this community over the past 10 years. We intend for this site to be the focal point for all things computer science within Wisconsin.  With your help, we'll continue to have opportunities to share ideas and lessons through meetings and by creating sessions about computer science in a variety of venues.
Upcoming CSTA Wisconsin Events