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WI CS Teachers Googlegroup:!forum/wi-csandit-teachers

-- this is our main form of communication among computer science teachers and professors in Wisconsin
- to join contact Joe Kmoch at <>
Become an AP Reader
If you’ve been teaching either the APCS-A or the APCS-Principles, please consider applying to be a Reader.  If selected, AP Readers meet for a week during early June of each year.  This is one of the best professional development experiences you’ll ever have.  Not only do you work with a large number of others grading student exams during the day, but you’ll also spend evenings trading ideas and techniques as well as making new friends nationwide. Nearly everyone who has done this yearns to return the following June. You can apply at <>
Read CS Newsletters

Computer Science Network Newsletter 
- published by Joe Kmoch for CSN
- will be sent to our email list when available
- past newsletters can be found here:

​Computer Science Today
- published by CSTA
- subscribe and see past newsletters here:

CS Voice
- published by CSTA for K-12 computer science education 
- articles can be found here:
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