Wisconsin PD Opportunities
Over the past several years we in WI have developed an awesome teacher community for Exploring Computer Science (ECS), AP Computer Science Principles, AP Computer Science A and CS Discoveries.  Join in the fun by enrolling in one or more PD opportunities noted below and making sure you’re at least a member of the WI-CSandIT-Teachers Google group for more information.
Summer 2025 Offerings
Workshops include CS Discoveries, AP CS Principles and AP CS A.
The workshops are scheduled for July 28- Aug 1.
If you know teachers who are interested please share the link: 

Here is an overview of the PD opportunities offered in the past.  Please check the Pump-CS website for current offerings. 
  • ECS (Exploring Computer Science) is a year-long introductory high school computer science curriculum and teacher professional development program that focuses on broadening participation in computing. The ECS curriculum is structured to facilitate inquiry and equity-based instructional practices so that all students are introduced to the problem solving, computational practices, and modes of inquiry associated with computer science.  
  • Code.org CSD (Computer Science Discoveries) is an introductory computer science course that empowers students to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun. The curriculum is recommended for middle and high school students (grades 6-10), and can be taught either as a semester or full-year offering.
  • Project GUTS (Growing Up Thinking Scientifically) is designed to integrate Computer Science concepts into existing middle school science classes, especially in contexts in which a standalone CS course is not available. Helps students from all different backgrounds to engage in scientific inquiry by investigating topics of interest to their local communities and sharing their experiments and findings.
  • Code.org CSP (Computer Science Principles, can be taught as an AP® course) is a higher level introductory course for 9th-12th grade students that introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science while challenging them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. Introductory level computer science background is ideal, but not required for students or teachers.
  • BJC (Beauty and Joy of Computing) is an AP Computer Science Principles curriculum that emphasizes the joy and complexity of creating visual computer programs and apps, using the visual programming language Snap! and a collaborative  approach. BJC presents programming ideas in the context of how students interact with computers in their daily lives. The Beauty and Joy of Computing adheres to the College Board’s new AP Computer Science Principles course requirements.
For additional information on the curricula, including course overviews, FAQs, and more, visit:

 Marquette’s PUMP-CS Project website: https://pumpcs.mu.edu/
 Exploring Computer Science: http://www.exploringcs.org/
 Code.org’s CS Discoveries: https://code.org/csd
 Project GUTS: http://www.projectguts.org/
 Code.org’s CS Principles: https://code.org/csp
 Beauty and Joy of Computing: https://bjc.berkeley.edu/

Please contact <brylow-wicsf@mscs.mu.edu> for more info.